What is Hope

Hope is an abstract thing that means expectation and belief in something over which one has little or no control at all. Hope is priceless to me. I find hope priceless because it leads to other feelings. If someone enters a contest, the hope of winning will turn into excitement. Competitiveness is another emotion brought by hope. If someone enters a race and hopes to win, they will feel competitiveness mixing with hope.

Hope can bring surprise, too. If someone is almost sure there is no way to succeed at something, and they manage to succeed, their hope will burst into surprise. Hope helps people live.

Hope is a lifeline to me. If I am in an inescapable hole, I hope for the best. This hope is like a light in my mind hiding the dark so I can look on better things. Then when I make it through, and wonder how I did it, one word comes to my mind, hope.


How could one live without hope? In the darkness of life’s hole, you are trapped in your own fear and worries unless you have hope. It is a protection from fear and terror, a shield that blocks your fear as though it was a ray of light coming from darkness.

Without hope, life would be miserable. Without hope you would live a boring, miserable life. Hope is what leads you to interact with the world.

Hope helps us to live happy lives. We may not notice it, but hope is very important and truly matters.